In any plumbing or contracting business, you’ll commonly encounter problems with water, sewer, and gas. Each individual system varies slightly, but there are some universal plumbing issues that almost every contractor will face sooner or later. Knowing what these problems are can help you be more prepared for the unexpected and avoid costly mistakes. For example, if you discover water in the basement and don’t know why, you might assume that a toilet is leaking instead of water coming in from the outside. This could be a costly mistake if the toilet is actually in code and the water is coming from another source. Let’s take a look at the most common plumbing problems you’ll encounter in your line of work:
Water problems
Water is the most common plumbing problem in any area, and you should always be prepared for this. If your building has a water meter, it’s important to check it periodically to make sure it’s working properly. A faulty water meter could indicate a leak in an underground pipe, which could end up being very costly for whoever owns the building. You should always be careful when you’re working around a water meter, since the pressure in the pipes above the ground could cause it to explode.If you replace a water heater or install a new one, you should make sure that it’s installed properly and that it doesn’t leak. This can be a big problem if you have a crawlspace or basement with a sump pump installed, since a faulty water heater could cause flooding. A sump pump is a great precaution against flooding, but it can only handle so much water before it fails. A faulty water heater can cause the sump pump to fail and cause flooding.
Sewer problems
Sewer problems can be very damaging to your property. If you have a sewer break or a backup in your sewer system, you’ll have to call a plumber to come out and repair it. Sewer systems are very complicated, so it’s important to make sure they are properly installed and maintained. If you live in the city, you probably have a city sewer system. These are typically separated systems that have a sewage treatment plant as well as a central sewer line that’s buried underground.If you have an agricultural property, you have a septic tank and a septic system. Septic systems are basically a large tank that’s usually located in the backyard. There are a number of problems that could cause your septic system to fail, including an animal burrowing through the system, or a clogged drain field. If you have a septic system, it’s important to have it inspected and pumped out once a year, especially if you have a home with a family or pets.
Hydrostatic pressure
Hydrostatic pressure is a force that builds up when water builds up inside pipes. It’s usually caused by excessive water use, such as when a home has a large garden and the water table rises. If a pipe with hydrostatic pressure breaks, it could cause a lot of water damage. If you discover that you have hydrostatic pressure, you should immediately shut off the water to the affected area. You should also make sure that you have all of your pipes and fittings tested to make sure they aren’t corroding from hydrostatic pressure.If you notice that the water in your pipes is cloudy and smells bad, it could be a sign of hydrostatic pressure. You should shut off the water to the affected areas as soon as possible.
Loss of water pressure
This is one of the most common plumbing problems that happens in a home. If your water pressure is low, it could be a sign of a broken pipe or a clogged pipe. If you have low water pressure, you should shut off the water and contact a plumber to come out and fix the problem. If the water pressure doesn’t change, it could be a serious problem that requires plumbing repair. If you have a low water pressure problem, you should also check the water meter to make sure it’s not broken. A broken water meter could indicate a broken pipe, which could be very costly to repair.
Damaged or broken pipes
This is one of the biggest problems with plumbing, and it’s something that has a very negative impact on your home. A broken pipe could be a serious risk to your health and property value. If you have a broken pipe, you should shut off the water and contact a plumber immediately. If you discover a broken pipe, you should mark it as “temporary” before a plumber comes to fix it. This will help you avoid unnecessary damage and repair costs.
Toilet problems
Toilet problems can be very expensive, especially if they are leaking or not connected to a sewage system. You should always make sure that your toilet is in working condition and connected to the sewage system. You should also make sure that there is a trap in the sewage system that will prevent sewer gas from entering your home. Toilet problems typically have a few causes, including faulty parts, a buildup of waste, or an issue with the sewage system. If you have a toilet problem and you don’t know what the problem is, it’s a good idea to call a plumber.
The above problems are some of the most common plumbing issues that happen in any building. You should always be prepared for these problems to ensure that they don’t cause a lot of damage to your property. If you’re working in a bathroom or a kitchen, it’s important to shut off the water at the main supply before you work to avoid water damage. It’s also important to know what to do if you discover a plumbing problem. You should always call a professional plumber to avoid causing further damage and costly repairs.