If you own your own home or have been renting one for a while, you’ve probably experienced at least one plumbing issue. Luckily, most plumbing problems have simple solutions that do not require a plumber to come out to your house and fix it. This article will explain some common plumbing issues and their solutions. The most common plumbing issues faced by homeowners are clogged drains, frozen pipes, leaking faucets and running toilets that never flush. Each one of these problems can be solved without a visit from an expensive plumber. However, it is important to follow these simple tips to avoid these costly breakdowns in the future. Read on to learn about the most common plumbing problems and how you can avoid them in the future.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are the most common plumbing problem that homeowners face. The most common sources of clogged drains are food scraps, hair, paper towels, soap, shampoo, paint, grease, and even small toys that are mistakenly flushed down a toilet. There are two basic strategies for preventing clogged drains. The first is to use a plunger to try to unclog the drains on a regular basis. The second is to install a trap under the sink to collect the water that flows from the faucet and avoid it from traveling further down the pipes.If you have a garbage disposal, it is important to remember that food scraps and other items should not be put down the disposal. Food scraps can clog up your disposal, which can be a very expensive repair. Make sure to put everything that you want to throw away down the sink instead.

Freezing Pipes

If you live in a cold climate, you may have to deal with frozen pipes. The best way to avoid this problem is to insulate your pipes. There are a wide range of products designed to keep pipes from freezing. The most effective ways to prevent frozen pipes are to insulate them, wrap them in insulation, or install a heating pad around them. If you live in a climate where pipes are prone to freezing, you should also be prepared to turn off the water if a frost is predicted. Pipes that are in direct contact with the ground, such as in the crawlspace, are especially prone to freezing.

Leaking Faucets and Toilets

Leaking faucets and toilets are common problems that can be prevented. The most common cause of leaking faucets is a buildup of calcium deposits that form in the faucet as a result of hard water. The solution to this problem is to use a water softener that is installed on your main water line. Leaking toilets are usually a result of missing washers. Over time, the rubber washers on the end of the flush lever can break or wear down, resulting in leaks.

Running Toilets That Never Flush

If your toilet will not flush, it is usually a result of a broken flush mechanism or a broken float ball. The best way to fix this problem is to open the tank and replace the float ball. Toilet float balls are the devices that keep the flushing action of the toilet from ending too quickly. It is important to remember that toilet float balls should only be opened by a plumber or someone who is experienced in working on this type of mechanism.


Clogged drains and frozen pipes are two of the most common plumbing problems that homeowners face. The best way to avoid these problems is to regularly clean out your drains and insulate your pipes. If you live in a climate where the temperatures drop below freezing, you should also be prepared to turn off the water supply. Finally, you should always be prepared to fix a leaking faucet or toilet at a moment’s notice.