When you own your own home, you know that there will be plumbing problems along the way. While you can try to avoid these issues by doing things like checking your pipes before you start every new project, sooner or later they’ll crop up again. What will you do then? If you don’t know how to fix plumbing problems or what to do when they happen, you’ll end up losing a lot of money on emergency plumbing repairs. However, you don’t have to be stressed about this because there are some common plumbing problems that almost anyone can fix. To help with this, we have put together some common plumbing issues and how you can fix them easily at home without any help from an expert.The following list covers some of the most common plumbing problems you might face at home and what you can do about them:
Clogged drains
Clogged drains are the most common plumbing problem in homes. There are a few reasons why your drains become clogged. First, food scraps and other organic material can get stuck in the drains that are too small for food scraps to pass through. Second, hair and other large objects can become clogged in the drains that are too small for them. Third, tree roots can become clogged in the drains that are too small for them to reach the surface. To avoid this problem, avoid putting large objects down the sinks and keep food scraps in the trash can.
Leaky faucets and shower heads
A leaking faucet or shower head can be a headache. If you don’t fix the problem right away, the problem will only get worse. The solution is to find the source of the problem quickly and fix it as soon as possible. To do so, check whether the shut-off valves are in good condition, and if there is any build-up or damage that might cause them to leak. You also need to make sure that the supply lines are in good condition. You can do this by submerging the supply lines in a bucket of warm water for a few minutes, and then checking for any build-up or damage.
Running toilets
A running toilet is a frustrating and costly problem. The problem happens when the fill valve and/or the flush valve have been installed incorrectly or are worn out. A quick solution to this problem is to replace the fill and flush valves. If you don’t have the money to replace the valves, you can try to repair the valves by cleaning out the inside of them using sandpaper and a pumice stone. You can also try to repair the fill and flush valves by replacing the rubber seals with new ones.
Hot water coming out of the cold water spigot
This is a common problem that can be fixed by installing a new faucet. The solution is to turn off the water at the main shut-off valve, unscrew the faucet, and clean out the inside of the shut-off valve. You can then refill the faucet and tighten it back in place.If you don’t have the necessary tools and knowledge, this can be a costly repair.
When to call a plumber
If your problem is something that is not listed above, such as replacing a toilet or repairing the foundation of your house, you should call a plumber. However, if you have the skills and tools to fix a problem, you can save yourself a lot of money by doing the work yourself. You can save even more money by doing simple things like cleaning out the inside of your pipes before you start new projects, or regularly turning off the main water supply to the house and letting it run for a few minutes before you turn it back on.